Vera Vas

Yoga Teacher
Founder of Karuna Yoga

My spiritual side came from my father, my teacher side came from my mother. And while I digged deeper and deeper in yoga for my own understanding, teaching what I learnt at each stage became intuitive.

I did my teacher training as part of God's will. I had no money to spend on it, however, I had skills to trade and as a videographer I started working at Martin Thompson's studio in Essex, England. He kindly offered to let me participate in his 200 HRS teacher training in 2018, I then went on to do my 300 HRS in 2019 and completed my 100 HRS pranayama teacher training in 2020. Currently I am completing my Ashtanga Yoga Second Series Teacher Training at Spala Kori Jóga, Budapest and my 100 HRS Yoga Nidra Teacher Training with Ally Boothroyd at Sarosvara Yoga, Canada. 

I now am researching and learning more about the healing aspects of yoga. Healing physically, mentally and emotionally. Working more on the energetic level, yoga allows me to deepen my connection to the Universe and access prana (life force) so I can raise my frequencies and be a higher vibrational being for myself and the people around me.

I am on a quest to build a community of like-minden people, who are similarly seeking this connection. The work starts through our bodies as we practice yoga asanas, it gets deeper with the breath and we begin to more clearly see our nervous system patterns and the ways we operate in life. Then we retrain our nervous system, let go of limiting beliefs and learn ways we can support our higher vibrational selves.

Yoga helped me get to a better version of myself. As I heal deeply I notice how life re-organises itself around me, bringing in love, health and wealth. The most freeing experience in life was that I could liberate myself from so many old patterns, become more flexible not only in my body but in my mind as well and let go of what no longer served me.

This is an extremely powerful aspect of yoga, and this is also what I help people with. To transform into their truest selves at any stage of their life. To help them understand what their bodies teach them through a yoga practice as well as the ancient teachings that serve as directions towards liberation.

“It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.“

- The Bhagavad Gita

I do not offer rapid transformation, however I offer a place where people can work at their own pace. Some of us need speed, some of us need time to get where we ought to be, and so the same practice looks different for everyone. As an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher I often hear that the same practice cannot take us to new places, when in fact there are multiple layers of life we can experience if we open ourselves up to subtle levels of life.

With that in mind there are still people that I know what I teach and how I teach is not suitable. This is because we are certain energies and there are frequencies that match and frequencies that don't. I am respecting that law in the Universe and encourage my students to not judge yoga based on one experience. We can keep going until we find a teacher who is suitable and a practice that serves us at each stage.

Because of this I teach Ashtanga Yoga not in an orthodox way. I respect that we all have different bodies, sizes and limitations therefore in my classes I offer modifications and I always approach each student with compassion in my heart. Only when the student is ready we progress and even then I am serving as a motivator to find healthy effort in the practice. Never force that can cause damage.

I will help you build a personal and safe practice that you can trust and commit to no matter where you are. I will teach you about your body and how to understand it and work with it, but most importantly how to cherish it and love it. I want to make you feel good in your skin, powerful in your everyday, so you can wake up and fulfill whatever your dharma (duty) is.

I am teaching classes focusing on mobility, highlighting the importance of the subtle body (energetic body) and explaining how to work with it. I find breath the most important aspect of my own practice, the best guide, and a very powerful tool in my daily life so I will always incorporate Pranayama (breath control) in my classes.

I built Karuna Yoga because I want to share my knowledge and also build a community of like-minded people. I always found friends in the yoga community, and I believe it's a beautiful way to connect with each other. I value every Karuna member and hope that we can support each other not only in our yoga practice but in life as well.

Come get to know me in one of my group classes in the studio, or join our online classes and community. Feel free to ask questions in the forum here or write an e-mail to me personally! 

I hope to see you and get to know you more soon,


Yoga helped me to grow as a persona nd to be more aware of myself and life around me. It assisted in my spiritual growth. And it does, continuously. I meet beautiful and inspiring people in the community and I feel most in my element when I have a regular practice going on in my life. Yoga helps me tremendously as a performer and going through actor training I noticed so many similar techniques. But I feel regardless of what one's profession is, yoga can and will support every individual on their path.


Christianna Giaume


Lőwy Noémi