What is Vinyasa Krama?

Vinyasa krama is the art of sequential variations within prescribed parameters. The Sanskrit syllables for vinyasa krama are defined as:

vi – variation, order;

nyasa – within prescribed parameters, placement;

krama — sequence.

Vinyasa krama means intelligent sequence of postures, that allows the practitioner to begin with more simple asanas and gradually prepare the body to be able to perform an advanced asana. In these classes we work with dynamic movements as well as some deep stretches to open up or strengthen certain body parts that are used in our peak posture.


We also pay attention to breath placement and synchronising the breath with the movement. This allows the practitioner to work on a more subtle layer and prepare for an advanced posture not only physically but mentally too.

One of the most common misbeliefs is that vinyasa means flowing movements. While it is true that during these lessons we follow the flow of the breath and pay attention to paring the right movement to the breath, it is not the aim to have beautiful connecting sequences between the postures, Using advanced transitions that the practitioner may not be ready for by default can cause unnecessary difficulties or even injuries in the practice.

Instead we focus on following a structure of asanas that is built pragmatically, making the practice safe, sustainable and exercising the body and mind according to the student’s needs and level of practice.

There are always modifications available, which allows students with different level of practice to still find their challenge in the same space. We focus on alignment and integrating anatomical knowledge into the practice, which serves us well during our more dynamic practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.